Thursday, October 14, 2010

Returning to the Stage, October 10, 2010

     Not normally a nervous person, I wasn’t sure how to deal with my sudden attack of the jitters. During my three months in the hospital and four more under house arrest, I thought of little else than getting back to my Masquer buddies. I both knew and loved these people, yet my hands were shaking.
     Everyone had a Spiritual gift. Turned out, mine was creativity. I made pretty pictures, sang in the choir and did Vacation Bible School skits. What ministry did I have left when our choir turned into a small but talented praise team and younger more energetic people took control of VBS?
     I prayed for a Christian Drama Team, one where I could put my skills to work in the service of God. Masquer Ministries proved to be the answer to my ten year prayer.
     From the beginning, they made me feel relaxed. In spite of my limp and inability to stand for long, my new friends accepted me. I received rolls tailor made for me and my special needs. The prayer and support they gave me quickly turned them into my beloved family.
     Unfortunately, due to a tiny spider bite I didn’t even feel, I almost lost my leg. The months passed and I witnessed to my fellow patience’s and hospital staff using tunes I’d learned through Masquer plays. As I got better, I found myself in a continuing care facility and the music followed. Complications in my blood set in and I went back to the hospital. By now the songs God had given became very important to me. My medications made it impossible to read my Bible and I drifted off to sleep during my prayer time.
     I fell into questioning myself. Through it all, my mind remained focused on the two places I felt the most at home, church and Masquer Ministries. Would I be able to return? Would they take a chance on using me with my health? Had everything changed?
     Then I got the e-mail.
     “You are invited to the first rehearsal for our Christmas production Sunday October 10, 2010. We will meet from 1:30 to 5:00. Hope to see you there.”
     I squealed so loud my husband thought I’d fallen and couldn’t get up. I danced… okay… I rhythmaticly shuffled around the house all day. As the day approached, my newly discovered nerves returned. During Sunday services, I listened to the pastor as he spoke of God’s perfect timing. It rarely matches with our own sense of urgency. Had my time passed?
     Church service ended. I grabbed a quick lunch and took a seat at the end of the large Masquer table. Ian, the director and producer of our troop, walked by and I offered what I hoped looked like a confident friendly wave. He smiled and returned the gesture before disappearing behind the thick stage curtains. The lump in my throat relaxed enough for me to choke down the rest of my burger.
     Then something warm and loving enfolded me from behind. I didn’t need to turn around to know it was Nik. This wonderful young man had never forgotten me. How many times had I received his messages of support in the hospitals and at home? I’d lost track. Nik and I shared what was happening in our lives. We followed up with an impromptu prayer. A third immediately joined us and we became a small group of friends.
     By the time Ian took his place at the head of the table to pray a blessing on our efforts, I was laughing and having a ball. I knew some of these people very well. Others, I had only just met. There sat the young and the old; the shy and the bold. We had all gathered for one purpose, to give our talents in a worshipful witness of Jesus Christ. No matter what the case was, God was in control as I sat surrounded by my family.
     What on earth was I afraid of?

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